real estate logo shop

Getting Started

(1) Choose a logo template below. (2) Click on the image you wish to edit. The link will take you to edit in Canva. (3) You can create a free account there. *You can schedule a free training on Canva if you need extra support. We want to help you build and take control of your brand! Schedule an appointment with your branding account manager or ask for details on custom ordering a done for you branding package.


(1) Go to the menu and choose “File” (2) Choose “Create a Copy” (3) Edit your design (4) Save a copy by choosing “Download” as a “PNG” then save a second time but check the box for the “transparent” version which you will use on marketing materials and as your stamp. (5) Save a copy by going to “File” and “Save” but create a folder for your logo.

* NOTE: Our templates, graphics and fonts do not require you to upgrade your Canva account. If you change fonts or images to Canva Premium selections, you will be required to upgrade your account to use their products. We utilize Canva to save you time by not having to create or recreate your materials and easily save for suture use, and share direct to social media if you choose. Simply update from your cell or desktop on the go.


Getting Started

(1) Choose a logo template below. (2) Click on the image you wish to edit. The link will take you to edit in Canva. (3) You can create a free account there. *You can schedule a free training on Canva if you need extra support. We want to help you build and take control of your brand! Schedule an appointment with your branding account manager or ask for details on custom ordering a done for you branding package.


(1) Go to the menu and choose “File” (2) Choose “Create a Copy” (3) Edit your design (4) Save a copy by choosing “Download” as a “PNG” then save a second time but check the box for the “transparent” version which you will use on marketing materials and as your stamp. (5) Save a copy by going to “File” and “Save” but create a folder for your logo.